Medical and Insurance Claims Data Entry Services
Unisoft Datatech is a professional back office data entry and data processing services provider company located in Ahmedabad, India, and founded in 2002. We are the preeminent supplier of back office administrative services, including medical claims data entry, insurance claims data entry, online and offline data entry services, data processing, and data conversion and many other back office administrative services.
If your organization has not yet outsourced data entry tasks, it is worth considering! Data entry is perfectly suited for offshore outsourcing because these tasks can be easily isolated and sent to a service provider for expert completion.
When you choose Unisoft Datatech, your medical and claims data entry tasks are performed by expert data entry professionals, dedicated to producing the best results at the most affordable cost and mitigating the expense of temporary resources or additional staff. We can quickly expand or contract the staffing model to suit the needs of your project, so that the seasonal needs of medical plan enrollment and other associated tasks are easily staffed and completed.
While medical and insurance claims data entry can be a worrisome task for many organizations, our services can take the worry out of the process. Our security processes are designed to ensure complete confidentiality and security of data, personal information, health information and other sensitive data. The Unisoft Datatech team has more than eight years experience and we employ this experience to continuously improve and refine our security and data input processes. We work with state-of-the-art technology, cutting edge skills and refined processes designed to provide the most responsive, accurate services. Our client list includes global companies from many industries.
Medical and insurance claims data entry is a broad spectrum market. It can include volume data entry, manual data entry and complex data requirements with multi-format data requirements for dates, text, images, fees and many other specific needs. We are ready to take on these tasks and can work with offline data entry, online data entry, or remote desktop servers, to complete your project in a timely, accurate, affordable manner.
Here are just a few examples of insurance and medical claims and policy data entry projects:

Home and Property
Boat or Motorcycle
Long-Term Care
Worders Compensation

Office Visits
Lab or Testing
Perscription Medications

Policy Coverage
Members & Personal Information
Coverage Descriptions
Agency & Agent Information

Annual, Bi-Annual/Quarterly Fees
Past Due Fees
Services Charges
Payment Approvel/Processing
The end user for this data can quickly and efficiently view and use the data to make decisions, produce reports and work with patients or policy holders or members. End users for these services might include claims adjusters, inspectors, insurance agencies, auto repair service providers, managed care representatives, physicians or health care service providers, and even enrollees or members who contract and pay for insurance or medical services.
Our medical and insurance claims data entry services can be combined with other services to include other types of forms processing, or data entry services and data processing services including data conversion, data capture, data manipulation, and transcription, as well as online data entry and offline data entry, image data entry, and data entry through remote desktop servers. Our comprehensive suite of data entry services provides dependable support for clients who wish to focus on core competency and our data entry, data processing and data conversion services are guaranteed for accuracy.
Medical and insurance claims data entry must always be accurate and dependable to satisfy end users, physician and institution providers and agencies and agents. If your organization cannot depend on the quality of the data, your business will suffer a decline in customer satisfaction and may even be subjected to legal action or claims related to incorrect data or delayed claim or enrollment completion. Our double entry verification process ensures that client data is complete and precise. Our services are designed to provide complete data security and confidentiality for every client. Our team can handle any medical or insurance claims data entry project, no matter how simple or complex, and you need not trade low cost for quality output.
Our quality processes ensure that the work product meets your expectations and our costs are designed to comply with every budget. We understand the data entry market and we are dedicated to client satisfaction and to maintaining a quality focus on every data entry project for every client.
If you are interested in finding out more about Unisoft Datatech medical and insurance claims data entry services.